COPERNICUS Alliance Conference 2016: Sustainability Transformation of Science Systems

The conference was held from September 14th-15th 2016 at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria. Have a look at the outcomes and photos!


The conference was organized as a “Green Meeting” under the directive of the Austrian Eco Label.

At these pages you can find all information about the conference as well as outcomes and photos in the section 'CONF. MATERIALS'.


About the conference 

The 2016 COPERNICUS Alliance Conference focuses on the sustainability transformation of institutional, national and international science systems. It will reflect on policies and practices that support or hinder researchers and educators of higher education institutions to practice inter- and transdisciplinary approaches of sustainability science. 

Sustainability requires new approaches to knowledge and education. Universities must take on a key role in contributing to a transformation towards sustainable development. This transformation requires an interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary and holistic collaboration at the interface of education, research, policy and practice. The concept of sustainability science has been recognized by UNESCO in its medium-term strategy (2014-2021) as an integrated, problem-solving approach to science and engineering for sustainable development. 
The two day conference will - in addition to four invited keynotes by Mandy Singer-Brodowski (Free University of Berlin), Maik Adomßent (Leuphana University of Lüneburg), Dzulkifli Abdul Razak (IAU) and Lawrence Rajendran (University of Zurich) - provide a variety of participative opportunities: a "poster walk and talk", 16 parallel interactive sessions fully designed by participants, and a screening of short-videos of contributors who cannot attend in person.


Themes and questions 

Participants of the conference will elaborate on:

  1. Inside the university: Required competences, barriers and factors of success for sustainability science and ESD.
  2. Interface between University and Society: Possible ways to open up universities towards a more integrative exchange of knowledge and mutual learning processes with society and policy.
  3. Policy framework: How do global policies like the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development or the European Research Programme on Responsible Research and Innovation, impact higher education and what challenges do we face?  


Key Dates

Submission of interactive session proposals, poster and video abstracts until July 25th, 2016
Notification of acceptance August 5th, 2016
Early bird fee until August 14th, 2016
Upload of videos until August 19th, 2016
Submission of full poster until August 31st, 2016
Last day of registration September 12th, 2016
COPERNICUS Alliance Conference September 14th-15th, 2016
Annual General Meeting for CA members September 16th, 2016


Conference Registration Fee

Regular fee 140 EUR
Regular fee + city transport pass at reduced rate 150 EUR
COPERNICUS Alliance Members 100 EUR
COPERNICUS Alliance Members + city transport pass at reduced rate  110 EUR
PhD Students 80 EUR
PhD Students + city transport pass at reduced rate 90 EUR
Students 45 EUR
Students + city transport pass at reduced rate 55 EUR


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