
Wednesday, September 14th:


Registration, check of registration for interactive sessions, coffee

HS 01 (entrance hall) @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Helga Kromp-Kolb: "If we call for change in our universities, we must be ready to live that change!”

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Clemens Mader: "The role of the COPERNICUS Alliance"

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Rectorate welcome

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Keynote I + plenum questions: Mandy Singer-Brodowski: "Leverage points in the transformation of a science system - the case of Germany"

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Poster walk and talk

Aula @ Schwackhöfer Haus


Organic lunch break

Aula @ Schwackhöfer Haus


Parallel interactive session I *

SR 04, 05, 06, 07, 09 and 10 @ Schwackhöfer Haus


Coffee Break

Aula @ Schwackhöfer Haus


Short-video screening

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Keynote II + plenum questions: Maik Adomßent: Global trends in sustainability science - From academic advances to application in public policy

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Conference Evening Event

Informal buffet-style food, drinks and music!

Participants are required to register and pay 25 € for the evening event. Please bring 25€ for registration to the welcome desk.


Aula @ Schwackhöfer Haus  

(and outdoors if the weather is fine) 

* Participants are required to register online by 12th September for their preferred interactive sessions.


Thursday, September 15th:


Registration, check of registration for interactive sessions, coffee

HS 01 (entrance hall) @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Helga Kromp-Kolb & Clemens Mader: Welcome to the second day

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Keynote III and IV + plenum questions:
- Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between IAU and CA
- Dzulkifli Abdul Razak "Institutional policies and practices to transform
universities for sustainable development. IAU’s perspective"
- Lawrence Rajendran "ScienceMatters : an open science publishing platform for single observations"

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Parallel interactive session II *

SR 04, 05, 06, 07, 09 and 10 @ Schwackhöfer Haus


Organic lunch break

Aula @ Schwackhöfer Haus


Jana Dlouhá: Charta presentation

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Top interest posters: poster plenum talk

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Interactive sessions plenum discussion: learnings/challenges/results

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus


Final words Helga Kromp-Kolb and Clemens Mader

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

* Participants are required to register online for interactive session before the conference.


Friday, September 16th:


CA Annual General Meeting (for CA members and people/institutions interested in membership)

Faculty Club @ Schwackhöfer Haus (roof top)



Details of Sessions


Day 1, Wednesday, September 14th 

08:30-09:30 Registration, check of registration for interactive sessions, coffee

HS 01 (entrance hall) @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

At the beginning of each conference day our friendly helping hands at the welcome desk will be pleased to welcome you to the COPERNICUS Conference 2016. You will need to sign in for the ongoing day. At your first visit at BOKU the staff will confirm your in-advance-online-registration for the interactive parallel sessions. After registration you will have access to the conference rooms. With a coffee or tea (served by Zeiler Organic Kitchen) in your hand, you will definitely enjoy the conference start!

^ Back to Day 1 schedule

09:30-09:50 Helga Kromp-Kolb: "If we call for change in our universities, we must be ready to live that change!”

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

Helga Kromp-Kolb will open the conference with a short welcome speech. She will reflect the motivations for the conference themes and the unconventional conference design.

Helga Kromp-Kolb is Head of the Center for Global Change and Sustainability at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU). She is engaged in enhancing sustainability in University education and research in Austria and was instrumental in founding the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria. Kromp-Kolb is also Professor of Meteorology at BOKU, specializing in climate change (downscaling from the global to regional and local levels), air pollution dispersion and nuclear risks. She is scientific consultant to the Austrian government and member of scientific councils such as the Austrian Climate Fund. Kromp-Kolb has been awarded a number of prizes for her scientific work and was elected “Scientist of the Year 2005” by the Austrian Science Journalists Association.

^ Back to Day 1 schedule

09:50-10:10 Clemens Mader: "The role of the COPERNICUS Alliance"

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

Clemens Mader will continue with the second short opener: "The role of the COPERNICUS Alliance". He will talk about the work and aims of the COPERNICUS Alliance and introduce the process for the new COPERNICUS Alliance Charta.

Clemens Mader holds a MSc. in Environmental System Science with an emphasis on Human Geography from University of Graz, Austria. After studies he worked as president of oikos International, the International Student Organisation for Sustainable Economics and Management, based at University of St. Gallen (Switzerland). In 2006 Clemens came back to University of Graz where he was co-founder and director of the Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development Graz-Styria and finished his PhD in Human Geography, Sustainability and Innovation Sciences (2009). In 2012 Clemens became Visiting Professor for Environment and Sustainability at Leuphana University of Lüneburg (Germany). Further positions include visiting lecturer at University of Hiroshima (Japan, 2008) and a visiting professorship at University of Novi Sad (Serbia, 2009, 2010). Since 2014 he works as a research associate with the Sustainability Team at University of Zurich and runs a professional training programme on ESD. He is the president of the COPERNICUS Alliance.

^ Back to Day 1 schedule

10:10-10:45 Rectorate welcome

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

Barbara Hinterstoisser (Vice Rector for Teaching and International Affairs) will warmly welcome you to the conference.

^ Back to Day 1 schedule

10:45-11:45 Keynote I + plenum questions: Mandy Singer-Brodowski: "Leverage points in the transformation of a science system - the case of Germany"

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

Mandy Singer-Brodowski works at Free University of Berlin, Institut Futur and in the Monitoring of the UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development.

Full text of the speach for download


^ Back to Day 1 schedule

11:45-12:45 Poster walk and talk

Aula @ Schwackhöfer Haus

At the "poster walk and talk", you will be able to sip a coffee or tea and eat little starter (served by Zeiler Organic Kitchen), while visiting the different posters in the poster market place. You will experience participative learning methods, innovative teaching resources and newest scientific outcomes on ESD and Sustainability Transformation of Science Systems. Choose your own walk and talk! Get directly in touch with the authors and discuss your points of interest in a friendly relaxing atmosphere!

Background information: After submission of the posters - well in advance of the conference - the authors will be asked whether they are willing to talk about their topic in front of the plenum. Those authors who agree, will prepare a short 10 minutes speech in advance. They will not know yet, if they will - in addition to the poster walk and talk - also be able to held the speech in front of the plenum. This will be a decision by the participants at the conference!

The participants will decide which two posters will be discussed in front of the plenum. At the beginning of the conference, each participant will be handed out a set of personal Expression-of-Interest Posterpoints. During the conference, they will be able to stick the points directly to the most thrilling posters and in that way express their interest in a plenum talk about the topic of this poster. The Posterpoint will definitely not rate the quality, but the level of interest in this topic. The topics which have collected the most Posterpoints ("Top interest posters") will be discussed on the 2nd day within the "poster plenum talk".

^ Back to Day 1 schedule

12:45-13:45 Organic lunch break

Aula @ Schwackhöfer Haus

Served by our caterer Zeiler Organic Kitchen. Please enjoy our conference lunch!

^ Back to Day 1 schedule

13:45-15:15 Parallel interactive sessions I

SR 04, 05, 06, 07, 09 and 10 @ Schwackhöfer Haus

Note: For these sessions the participants will have to register in advance before the conference start. Each interactive session will result in 3 key learnings und 1 challenge. Important findings will be discussed in the "Interactive sessions plenum discussion" on 2nd day 14:20-15:50.

6 -12 parallel interactive sessions each conference day give you plenty of room to go into depth of your favourite topic. Each interactive session is hosted by the author of the session. He submitted the session via the conference call and is responsible for the topic, key questions, and also the favourite participative methodological approach. Each session must result in 3 key outcomes and 1 challenge.

Participants are required to register online for interactive session before the conference.

^ Back to Day 1 schedule

15:15-15:45 Coffee Break

Aula @ Schwackhöfer Haus

Served by our caterer Zeiler Organic Kitchen. Please enjoy our coffee and tea and sweets!

^ Back to Day 1 schedule

15:45-16:15 Short-video screening

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

A limited number of selected videos will be screened, in order to enable participants not travelling to Vienna to provide additional stimulations and inputs for the participants. All accepted short videos (4 minutes max. length) will be merged together to a half-our videoclip. We will not accept videos of poor picture or sound quality or shot without a tripod.

^ Back to Day 1 schedule

16:15-17:15 Keynote II + plenum questions: Maik Adomßent: Global trends in sustainability science - From academic advances to application in public policy

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

Maik Adomßent will contribute the second of four keynotes. He will provide insights to a global UNESCO initiative on sustainability science, as well as refer on to how global policies like the UN Sustainable Development Goals or the UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development impact higher education institutions. There will be enough room to ask questions and get directly in contact with the keynote speaker.

Maik Adomßent is Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Environmental and Sustainability Communication/Faculty of Sustainability Sciences, and coordinator of the Complementary Studies Programme at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany. His activities in teaching and research are centered on (higher) education for sustainable development, biodiversity and nature conservation, and sustainability communication. Currently, he is Steering Committee member of the ongoing project „Broadening the Application of the Sustainability Science Approach” initiated by UNESCO Natural and Social Sciences Sectors together with the Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Japan/MEXT).

^ Back to Day 1 schedule

17:30-20:00 Conference evening event

Catering: Käsespätzle with salad (Cheese Spaetzle) and Kaiserschmarren (sliced, sugared pancake with raisins) + drinks. This event is not a formal sit-down dinner but will be an informal buffet-style event.

Music: Hurdy gurdy street organ by Oliver Maar

Participants are required to register and pay 25 € for the evening event. Please bring 25€ for registration to the welcome desk.

^ Back to Day 1 schedule


Day 2, Thursday, September 15th 

08:30-09:15 Registration, check of registration for interactive sessions, coffee

HS 01 (entrance hall) @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

At the beginning of each conference day our friendly helping hands at the welcome desk are pleased to welcome you to the COPERNICUS Conference 2016. You will need to sign in for the ongoing day. At your first visit at BOKU the staff will hand out your personal welcome map and also confirm your in-advance-online-registration for the interactive parallel sessions. After registration you will have access to the conference rooms. With a coffee or tea (served by Zeiler Organic Kitchen) in your hand, you will definitely enjoy the conference start!

^ Back to Day 2 schedule

09:15-09:30 Helga Kromp-Kolb & Clemens Mader: Welcome to the second day

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

After the registration for the second day, you will be warmly welcomed by the conference team.

^ Back to Day 2 schedule

09:30-10:45 Keynote III and IV + plenum questions: Dzulkifli Abdul Razak & Lawrence Rajendran

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

- Signing of Memorandum of Understanding between IAU and CA
- Dzulkifli Abdul Razak: "Institutional policies and practices to transform universities for sustainable development. IAU’s perspective". Dzul is the President of the International Association of Universities and former Vice Chancellor of Universiti Sains Malaysia. You can watch his TEDx-Talk about "Sejahtera - The Context of Balancing" here.
- Prof. Lawrence Rajendran: "ScienceMatters : an open science publishing platform for single observations". Lawrence is a renowned expert in the cell biology of Alzheimer’s disease. Dr. Rajendran has made pioneering contributions in the field of exosomes and neurodegeneration. He is one of the founding members of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles (ISEV) and served on the board as the Steering committee member. On the social side, he is also the founder of raise.rural, a non-profit organization dedicated to support rural students in India to pursue research. He has won many awards and honors suc as the German Neuroscience Society's Schilling's prize, the Breuer Award, and others. Rajendran featured in the 2009 World's top 100 Scientists. He is also the founder and Chairman of ScienceMatters, the next generation open-access and open science journal platform that publishes single observations in science. 

^ Back to Day 2 schedule

10:45-12:15 Parallel interactive sessions II

SR 04, 05, 06, 07, 09 and 10 @ Schwackhöfer Haus

- For these sessions the participants will have to register in advance before the conference start.

- Each interactive session will result in 3 key learnings und 1 challenge. Important findings will be discussed in the "Interactive sessions plenum discussion" on 2nd day 14:20-15:50.

6 -12 parallel interactive sessions each conference day give you plenty of room to go into depth of your favourite topic. Each interactive session is hosted by the author of the session. He submitted the session via the conference call and is responsible for the topic, key questions, and also the favourite participative methodological approach. The hosts of the sessions will be asked to work on 3 key outcomes and 1 challenge.

Participants are required to register online for interactive session before the conference.

^ Back to Day 2 schedule

12:15-13:15 Lunch break

Aula @ Schwackhöfer Haus

Served by our caterer Zeiler Organic Kitchen. Please enjoy our conference lunch!

^ Back to Day 2 schedule

13:15-13:40 Jana Dlouhá: Charta presentation

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

Clemens Mader will give a short overview of the comments and suggestions for the COPERNICUS Alliance Charta given by the conference participants on the first day.

^ Back to Day 2 schedule

13:40-14:20 Top interest posters: poster plenum talk

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

On the first conference day, during the "poster walk and talk", you were able to explore the different posters about participative learning methods, innovative teaching ressources and newest scientific outcomes on ESD and Sustainability Transformation of Science Systems. The participants were asked to stick their personal Expression-of-Interest Posterpoints to the most thrilling posters.

During the poster plenum talk, the two top interest posters will be introduced and discussed.

^ Back to Day 2 schedule

14:20-15:50 Interactive sessions plenum discussion: learnings/challenges/results

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

The aim of our conference is not only to present new findings, but also to give room for discussions. Key learnings und challenges of the parallel interactive sessions will be discussed here.

^ Back to Day 2 schedule

15:50-16:00 Final words Helga Kromp-Kolb and Clemens Mader

HS 01 @ Wilhelm-Exner Haus

^ Back to Day 2 schedule


Day 3, Friday, September 16th 

9:00-12:00 CA Annual General Meeting (for CA members and people/institutions interested in membership)

Faculty Club @ Schwackhöfer Haus (roof top)

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