zeiler organic kitchen
our certified organic business processes 100 % organic products. we offer seasonal food and favour regional produce. Beyond "the organic product", quality, diversity, taste, and above all collaboration with small producers and regional networks take center stage in our work. our business focuses on events for 30 - 250 people. we provide both cold and warm dishes - with meat, fish, poultry with a special focus on vegetarian and vegan specialities, along with selected organic wines and juices.
live sustainability actively and participate in our overall concept:
...100% use of organic products
...collaboration with regional producers
...prevention of long-distance transportation
...use of environmental friendly catering materials
...reduced packaging
...distribution of leftovers - since 2014 we distribute leftovers through the viennese project "tafelbox"
...use of renewable energy and environmentally friendly cleaning agents
whether plain & simple, experimental & headstrong or simply the luxury option...with us you will get vegetarian and vegan meals, meat, fish, and poultry in organic quality...including a competent and friendly team
we are looking forward to cooking for you!
christiane zeiler & team