Call for Contributions
The call for contributions is closed.
- Interactive session
Be the host of your interactive session! Combine a topic with your favourite participative methodological approach and design your concept for either a 45 minute or a 90 minute interactive session. Shorter activities will be grouped together. We encourage you to bring your own ideas and methods, however, if necessary, we will be pleased to support you with our experience. Suggestions for methods can also be found e.g. in the Sustainicum Collection.
Please send us an abstract of your interactive action concept (1. title, 2. author/facilitator and contact person, 3. co-authors / co-facilitators, 4. institution, 5. email, 6. topic description 200-250 words, 7. method + procedure description of 200-250 words) as a word attachment.
If we select your interactive action, you will need to act as the host during the interactive session. You will need to bring all required materials to the conference. If informed sufficiently in advance, we will support your action the best we can.
- Poster
You may present max. 1 poster (format A0 or A1) as a main author. In the "poster walk and talk" you will be able to present your poster. Participants will be able to rate the posters in view of their interest in the topic. The authors of the 3 posters with the highest ranking will be invited to present their poster to the plenum (10 minutes pitch).
Please send us an abstract of your poster (1. title, 2. author/facilitator and contact person, 3. co-authors / co-facilitators, 4. institution, 5. email, 6. abstract 200-250 words) as a word attachment, or the poster screenshot as a pdf attachment if available.
Selected posters need to be submitted as pdf attachment (max. 10 MB) for the digital conference handbook. In addition, posters (format A0 or A1) have to be brought to the conference. Since a 10 minutes pitch for the final session will be expected for the highest ranked posters, you need to prepare the pitch in advance.
- Short video
A limited number of selected videos will be screened, in order to enable participants not travelling to Vienna to provide additional stimulations for the participants.
Please send an abstract of the video (1. title, 2. author, 3. institution, 4. email, 5. abstract of the video 200-300 words) as a word attachment. If selected, the video file will need to be uploaded to our server (more information below). Only high quality videos will be accepted (shot with a tripod, 1920x1080, high quality audio and video!).
If your video is selected, you will need to upload the final video file. The duration of the video may not exceed 4 minutes. The preferred format is *.mov; video codec H264, size FullHD 1920x1080, 25fps; audio: AAC, Stereo, 48 kKz; max. size 1GB. Since the movie will be displayed on a big screen, please use a tripod for your recordings. If you upload videos in a different format, we will endeavour to convert your video to the required format but we cannot guarantee a successful conversion.
Themes and questions
- Inside the university: Required competences, barriers and factors of success for sustainability science and ESD.
- Interface between University and Society: Possible ways to open up universities towards a more integrative exchange of knowledge and mutual learning processes with society and policy.
- Policy framework: How do global policies like the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development or the European Research Programme on Responsible Research and Innovation, impact higher education and what challenges do we face?