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The SDG-iLevel project has launched a Massive Open Online Course designed to equip university staff with the knowledge and tools necessary to actively participate in achieving the SDGs. Six modules cover topics ranging from the basics of sustainable development to integrating the SDGs in teaching, research and university-community engagement. Each module includes theoretical content as well as practical activities and quizzes. Upon successful completion participants can get a certificate.

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With our webinar series "CA Exchange" we highlight great activities in our network and foster interaction and exchange between colleagues from different member institutions and beyond. On 29 January 2025, Lise Janssens introduced the initiative "CCREDO – Co-creation of teaching and learning materials for education for sustainable development". She explained what a lesson design workshop is and illustrated how to organize lesson design workshops and co-creation initiatives to support education for sustainable development.

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The newly published "Facilitator Guide: Addressing Inner Dimensions for Sustainability in Higher Education" supports teaching staff at higher education institutions. The guide leads through an 8.5 hours course and aims at teachers interested in expanding their sustainability knowledge and perspectives, integrating sustainability into their teaching practices, and enhancing their sustainability-related teaching approach by addressing inner dimensions such as individual and collective consciousness, awareness, or mindsets. On 20 February 2025, you have the chance to learn more about the Facilitator Guide in a webinar.

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The answer to this question is at the core of the Erasmus+ project "GREENMOBILITY – Lifelong Learning on sustainable urban mobility". The project focuses on raising awareness about sustainable urban mobility. Its goal is to help students and society at large develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to think, plan, and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for both our planet and public health. Project results including a learners handbook, a collaborative platform and self-assessment toolkit are ready to use.

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The University of Warsaw and Charles University in Prague have recently developed strategies to integrate sustainable development into all areas of university activities. To reflect on their implementation, the two universities carried out a project in 2024, which was supported by a CA Cooperation Fund. The aim was to raise students' awareness of the sustainability strategies of both universities and to involve them in sustainable development processes in this context.

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UNI for LIFE in cooperation with the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change offers a new university course at the University of Graz addressing sustainability reporting and climate protection. During one semester, it provides the necessary know-how to develop, reflect on, implement and document sustainability strategies in companies or organizations.

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In November, a team from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) visited the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). The visit paved the way for further collaboration between the two universities, which will contribute to the integration of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs at the UBA in general, and the development of a strategic plan at the Faculty of Engineering in particular.

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With the new webinar series "CA Exchange" we highlight great activities in our network and foster interaction and exchange between colleagues from different member institutions and beyond. On 26 November 2024, colleagues from the project "ATTUNE – Activate the University for Climate Change" presented project outcomes and outlined how universities can use these to address climate change at their universities.

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We are looking back on a successful 2024 Higher Education Summit dedicated to "Co-creating change for sustainability"! From 8-10 September 2024, over 100 participants from 26 countries met at University of Padua to foster dialogue and collaboration among educators and stakeholders in higher education. In its fifth edition, the Higher Education Summit once again brought together old and new friends from around the world. They enjoyed a rich program including workshops, network corners, teaching and learning labs, excursions, social events, and great keynote speakers such as Marco Frey, Enrico Giovannini, Juanita Johnson-Bailey, Isabel Rimanoczy, Umesh Sharma and Arjen Wals. The conference proceedings are available for download.

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In our series "A conversation with..." this time we talked to Barbara Motschiunig, EMAS coordinator at the University of Graz. She outlines the goals and challenges in the field of sustainability at the Austrian university and explains how exchange in networks contributes to their achievement.

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The annual conference of the International Association of Universities (IAU) is a unique global platform for higher education leaders to meet, network and exchange on the development of higher education. The 2024 Conference aims to bring together members of the global higher education community to consider University Values in a Changing World. Do higher education institutions around the world share certain fundamental university values? Are academic values, such as autonomy, academic freedom, and research integrity, at risk of being subverted by political pressures? These are questions that will be addressed from 22-24 November 2024 at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan.

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Representing the SDG-iLevel project, Jesús Granados Sánchez hosted a "collective intelligence workshop" at the 2024 Higher Education Summit. He presented already finalized project results such as the Online Visibility Booster and the Self-Nudging Toolkit and engaged participants in a co-creation activity centered around the SDG-iLevel Maps. Participants were invited to evaluate the matrix and format of these maps, designed to showcase real-world examples of individual academics’ contributions to the SDGs.

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The project "ATTUNE – Activate the University for Climate Change" is an innovative learning programme that addresses climate change on the university campus. At the final dissemination event, the project partners from Germany, Italy, Poland, Turkey and Spain, including the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), will present the results: a validated methodology that directly addresses climate change on the university campus and promotes as well as encourages action by all members of the university community, now available for any European university to implement. The event takes place on 10 October 2024 in Hildesheim, Germany and will also be streamed online.

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The universities in the Austrian province of Styria have developed a poster exhibition and extensive web material to raise awareness of the climate crisis. Thanks to the broad collaboration of different actors, the content has been prepared creatively and in a way that is appropriate for different target groups. The interaction of the poster exhibition, web content, audio guides and teaching materials enables access for different learning types. To date, more than 100 schools, communities and companies used the material, which is freely available online.

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The coordination office of the working group "Sustainability at Brandenburg Universities" has published the English version of the practical guide for teachers and lecturers of all disciplines and multipliers who are committed to sustainable development at their university and want to integrate it in university teaching: "Designing future-oriented curricula – a practical guide for the curricular integration of higher education for sustainable development".

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On 27 February 2024, Leuphana University Lüneburg organized a roundtable with twenty ESD stakeholders from Lüneburg and Hamburg to strengthen local cooperation on sustainability learning between the two regions. The roundtable explored strategies to seize opportunities and overcome challenges in connecting regional/local and global actions in Education for Sustainable Development (“glocalizing ESD”).

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In our series "A conversation with..." this time we talked to Theodoros Xanthos, Professor for Physiology and Pathophysiology at School of Health Sciences, and Vice-Rector of International Affairs and Extroversion at University of West Attica. He outlines how sustainability is implemented at this young Greek university and emphasizes the necessity for colllaboration at all levels.

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Students, student representatives, academics, university staff and education charities came together in Enschede, Netherlands at the University of Twente from 14-16 March 2024 for the SOS International Summit: "Travelling from crisis to perspective: A holistic journey for sustainability". Over 100 participants from over 40 organizations across Europe, Africa and the Pacific joined in-person and online. The event was supported by a CA Cooperation Fund.
More Articles …
- unicitiES 2023: Connecting academic and municipal knowledge to achieve climate neutrality
- Inti Route: an unforgettable experience through the Yucatan Peninsula
- SDG-iLevel staff workshop and project meeting in Lüneburg
- SDG-iLevel: Self-Nudging toolkit and website launched
- Rethinking Higher Education Dialogue Series at Leuphana University
- University of Padua promotes National Day of Energy Saving and Sustainable Lifestyles
- Talking about a revolution: The Higher Education Summit 2023 - Student Takeover
- University of Graz aims to become climate neutral
- oikos Graz fosters collaboration between students and lecturers
- Global RCE Conference and Ubuntu Meeting in Kuala Lumpur
- Biosphere Reserves Institute receives UNESCO Category II status
- City guide points the way to sustainable consumption in Bern