Decalogue for organizing environmentally sustainable events at University of the Basque Country

2312 Sust events at UPV
Photo: UPV/EHU

Sustainability has become an integral concern for those who organize and/or participate in events at university. Despite an increasing social and environmental awareness, there is still a lot of work to do. For this reason the Campus Planeta Commission of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) has elaborated a guide with recommendations on how to organize environmentally sustainable events.

According to the Public Environmental Management Company of the Basque Government (IHOBE), "an environmentally sustainable event is one that has been designed, organized and carried out in such a way as to minimize the potential negative impact on the environment".

Some aspects to take into account are selection of a location accessible by sustainable transport, reduced and efficient use of energy, water and waste, commitment of product and service suppliers, healthy and sustainable food, responsible communication, and awareness increase in the community. With these brief recommendations for organizing environmentally sustainable events, we can build a healthier and more sustainable world.


"10 best practices for organizing Environmentally Sustainable Events" (in Spanish only)