Lifelong Learning on sustainable urban mobility: the GREENMOBILITY project

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The GREENMOBILITY project is focusing on raising awareness about urban green mobility. The project partners from Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Lithuania, and Sweden will deliver training courses to help learners develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that promote ways to think, plan and act with empathy, responsibility, and care for our planet and for public health. The aim is to support education and training systems in shaping systemic and critical thinkers who care about our planet’s present and its future.

Offering relevant tools and materials for supporting critical thinking and enabling citizens to reflect on how they commune in the urban space is an urgent necessity to which GREENMOBILITY responds. By developing different resources aimed at all learners, irrespectively of their age, educational level and setting, the project aspires to enable behavioral change and promote lifelong learning on environmental sustainability, specifically urban mobility.
One of these resources is the creation of a collaborative platform, whose purpose is to serve as a digital platform to inspire, educate, promote and engage citizens in sustainable urban transport. Being a collaborative platform for citizens, organizations and city officials that promote sustainable urban mobility in Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Lithuania, and Sweden, this tool helps to understand, think, plan and act with empathy, responsibility and care for our planet and public health.
The collaborative platform presents inspirational videos and media, and will also host and offer educational materials that help to understand sustainable urban mobility and change behavior. The collaborative platform promotes events from official organizations in the five countries that support an active lifestyle and behavior change towards more greener alternatives of urban transport and offers an opportunity for citizens to engage in dialogue and petitions towards a more green, sustainable urban transport, such as the request for better cycling lines in the cities or cleaner buses, for example.

GREENMOBILITY invites citizens, organizations and city officials of Greece, Cyprus, Italy, Lithuania, and Sweden to make use of the platform by obtaining knowledge about sustainable urban transport, engaging in events and conversation, and taking action for promoting a more healthy lifestyle and greener urban transport in their cities.

If you are interested in the GREENMOBILITY project, check out its social media channels: green4mobility on Facebook and on Instagram, or visit the project website:


The Erasmus+ project GREENMOBILITY involves five partnersKaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania, LAND Impresa sociale s.r.l., Italy, SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education, Cyprus, The International Sustainability Collaborative (TISC), Sweden, and University of Thessaly (UTH), Greece.