Styrian universities present poster exhibition on climate crisis

2407 S4U exhibition
Photo: Foto Fischer

The universities in the Austrian province of Styria have developed a poster exhibition and extensive web material to raise awareness of the climate crisis. Thanks to the broad collaboration of different actors, the content has been prepared creatively and in a way that is appropriate for different target groups. The interaction of the poster exhibition, web content, audio guides and teaching materials enables access for different learning types. To date, more than 100 schools, communities and companies used the material, which is freely available online.

Overcoming disciplinary and institutional boundaries

This project is an example for a successful collaboration overcoming disciplinary and institutional boundaries. The implementation was initiated by the Science Space Styria through close cooperation between the FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences (Media and Design course), the University College of Teacher Education Styria, the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, and the association Transition Graz/ACT. The coordination was carried out by Sustainability4U, consisting of representatives of the four universities in Graz (including CA member University of Graz).

Extensive material for different target groups 

The broad collaboration of different actors enabled the content to be prepared creatively and in a way that is appropriate for different target groups. All outcomes are available for free on the project website including:

  • 20 posters (available as download and for self-printing)
  • Web content (incl. additional information, statistics, sources etc.)
  • Audio guides (for each poster; total length: 90 minutes) 
  • Teaching materials (for schools)
Poster exhibition in three parts

The poster exhibition is entitled "Klimakrise – Jetzt handeln wir!" ("Climate crisis – Now we act!") and is divided in thee parts:

  • The first part of the exhibition explains the reasons and origins of the climate crisis and looks at the consequences of not acting or not acting enough. This includes the bio-geo-physical principles and background of the climate crisis and the consequences that come with it. The focus is on the topics of "heat", "precipitation", "biodiversity" and "sea level rise".
  • The second part is dedicated to the causes of the climate crisis. These are diverse and are presented in detail by sector, country and income at global and national level. The difference between production-based and consumption-based accounting is also explained to point out the importance of responsibility in Austria.
  • The third part builds on the knowledge imparted and is dedicated to the biggest levers and solutions that can be implemented both by individuals in everyday life (as consumers, owners) and by companies and politicians (especially at the community level). In the areas of nutrition (meat, food waste), soil, mobility (everyday life, travel), energy and infrastructure (electricity, heat, buildings, industry), it is emphasized that both individual consumption and investment decisions are important, but political and structural framework conditions are equally needed for a climate-friendly and sustainable life. 
Wide distribution

The 20-part poster exhibition was distributed in paper form (recycled paper, 80 sets à 20 posters). Due to the financial support of the project by the State of Styria as well as the City of Graz the offer was completely free of charge. To date over 100 schools, communities and companies presented the poster exhibition at their premises. Additional lectures and workshops paved the way for different learning types to access the material and thus created awareness at many levels and among several target groups. Their active involvement in the dissemination phase enabled the linking of formal and non-formal learning and low-threshold access to the topic of the climate crisis and sustainability.

⧉ Read more (in German only)