Universität Hamburg launches innovative organisational change initiatives to address the SDGs

1904 Hamburg Sustainability Map

The Center for a Sustainable University fosters sustainable development at Universität Hamburg in research, teaching, education, and administration. It has recently launched two innovative initiatives that aim to address the SDGs institutionally: the SDG Ambassador Programme and the Digital Sustainability Maps.

1904 Hamburg SDGSDG Ambassador Programme

The SDG Ambassador Programme identified University researchers who had worked on SDG-related topics and set up interdisciplinary teams as SDG Ambassadors. The programme seeks to achieve the following objectives: 

  • raise awareness of the SDGs, their targets and challenges, among the University community;
  • acknowledge SDG-related research undertaken at the University, and reward and team researchers up to be ambassadors for one of the SDGs;
  • foster new interdisciplinary initiatives and research projects that explicitly address the SDGs by bringing researchers from several academic disciplines together.

SDG Ambassador Programme


Digital Sustainability Maps

The Digital Sustainability Maps for Research, Education, Administration and Infrastructure provide an overview of sustainability-related projects at the Universität Hamburg. The maps show the variety of research and initiatives conducted at the University that address one or more of the SDGs, and provide an information baseline for inter- and transdisciplinary networking. To date, the maps provide visibility to more than 400 sustainability-related research projects from different faculties, including inter- as well as transdisciplinary cooperation; 95 courses that refer to the SDGs and/or sustainable development in general; and over 40 sustainability initiatives from within University operations and administration.

► Digital Sustainability Maps


For more information, please contact the Center for a Sustainable University team at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.