Looking back at the Higher Education Summit 2022

HES2022 Poster web

From 6-8 September 2022 Hasselt University opened its doors to the conference highlight of the year: Well over a hundred participants gathered at the Higher Education Summit 2022 in Hasselt, Belgium. Under the theme "Daring to transform learning for a future-proof economy" the summit brought together changemakers in the field of transformative learning for sustainable development within higher education. The program offered plenary sessions, interactive workshops, inspiring talks, onsite excursions, lots of networking opportunities and thought-provoking keynotes bGuia Bianchi, Sam de Muijnck, Vivek Gilani, Liesbeth Huybrechts, Kate Raworth, Gustavo Rodriguez, Olivia Rutazibwa, Stephen Sterling, Lilian Trechsel and Renate Wesselink. Check out recordings, photos and further material of the conference! 

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