Charles University initiated dialogue on SDG 12

1904 our common president
Photo: Charles University

Charles University in cooperation with RCE Czechia co-organised an event entitled “Our Common Present” to initiate a dialogue on SDG 12 ("Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns") in the Czech Republic.

Academics, activists, state representatives, UN representatives, educators and the commercial sector shared their unique theoretical or practical perspectives on the topic of the individual and responsible consumption. Actors who are committed to an intersectional approach to responsible consumption from activist communities, DIY (Do It Yourself) collectives, politics, social enterprises and the commercial sector discussed the values that led them to their commitment, the communities that develop around their activities, and what can be learnt for nurturing public engagement and changes in the education system towards a culture of responsible consumption. Academic contributions provided an insight into the nature and scope of grassroots movements and local organizing for change in line with SGD 12. Central to discussion was the question of the impact of individual responsibility versus ensuring that states and for-profit corporations are held accountable for unsustainable consumption practices. 1904 our common president2Actors from the state sector, the arts, design and academic joined a panel discussion on cross-sector cooperation for responsible consumption. In the spirit of DIY, the event included zero-waste jewelry making workshops and vegan catering from homeless women’s collectives.