Austrian universities launch ESD-certificate for teachers

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For university lecturers in Austria, there is currently a lack of both adequate further training offers on sustainable development and suitable incentives to participate in them. How can sustainable development in its various forms be integrated into schools, if student teachers at universities have so far received too little insight into the topic? Against this background, the "Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria" developed the 2-semester further education program "ESD-Certificate" for university teachers.

Society needs people who are not only capable of acquiring or imparting knowledge about sustainable development, but specifically recognize interactions between ecological, economic and social developments in their mutual dependence and, above all, of making collective decisions and implementing them individually, collectively and politically (cf. De Haan 2001).

For teachers at schools, there are Austria-wide projects and further training offers in the field of sustainable development, but for university lecturers, there is a lack of both adequate further training offers on sustainable development and suitable incentive systems to participate in them. So, the question is how can sustainable development in its various forms be integrated into schools, if student teachers at universities have so far received too little insight into the topic, since the topic cannot be established more broadly by university teachers?
Against this background, during a three-year process, a team within the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria developed the developed the 2-semester further education program "Certificate for University Lecturers Education for Sustainable Development" (ESD-Certificate). The program will be launched on 17 October 2022; university teachers from all partner universities of the Alliance of Sustainable Universities in Austria can participate. 

► Certificate for University Lecturers Education for Sustainable Development