Publications (2)

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    PDF      Guidelines for Virtual Conferencing  
Diethart, M., Zimmermann, A.B. & Mulà, I., 2020
Virtual conferences in higher education: Teasing out their transformative potential for sustainable development 
Mader, C., Zimmermann, A.B., Diethart, M. & Mulà, I., 2020, GAIA
    WEB      Mainstreaming Education for Sustainable Development at a Swiss University: Navigating the Traps of Institutionalization
Trechsel, L.J., Zimmermann, A.B., Graf, D. et al., 2018, Higher Education Policy
    WEB      Sustainability-oriented higher education networks: Characteristics & achievements in the context of the UN DESD   
Dlouhá, J., Henderson, L., Kapitulčinová, D. & Mader, C., 2018, Journal of Cleaner Production
    WEB      Professional Development in Higher Education for Sustainable Development   
Tilbury, D. et al. (Eds.), 2017, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education Special Issue
    PDF      UE4SD Leading Practice Publication   
Kapitulčinová, D. et al. (Eds.), 2015
    PDF      Rio +20 Treaty on Higher Education

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