University of Maribor, Slovenia

MariborThe University of Maribor (UM) is a public institution of great national importance. UM is following a research strategy focusing on a creative environment encouraging academic freedom with the purpose of promoting sustainable and socially responsible development and producing outstanding scientific results encouraging the University’s participation in the European integration of scientific research. A close link between science and technology, which is manifested in innovations, will increase the visibility of the University at home and abroad, and influence the development of the less advanced region of Podravje and the entire country.

This new model of a sustainable and socially responsible university will contribute to a deeper understanding of the interactions between the environmental, economic, social and ethical dimensions of sustainable development. We sincerely hope that the University of Maribor will be able to convince other public, private, governmental, non­governmental and industrial organizations to follow its lead.

The University of Maribor comprises various faculties with more than 23 000 students and staff members. The consumption of energy, water and materials is, therefore, comparable to the consumption of large businesses. Environmental pollution is not generated only in lecture halls and labs but also in offices, at parking lots, etc. The transformation of the University into a sustainable and socially responsible institution requires the incorporation of all four dimensions of sustainable development (environmental, economic, social and ethical).

UM is also a member of various international associations, e.g. European University Association (EUA), Alps­Adriatic Rectors' Conference (AARC), Danube Rectors' Conference (DRC), Leveraging Education into Organisations (LEO­NET), European Network of Academic Sports Services (ENAS) and University Network of the European Capitals of Culture (UNEECC), and now also the COPERNCIUS Alliance, which we are very proud of and looking forward to cooperate with other colleagues.


► Website of University of Maribor