Duurzaam Educatiepunt, Belgium

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Duurzaam Educatiepunt (Education for Sustainability Hub) is the expertise center for sustainability education of the Department of Environment (Flemish government) in Belgium. We aim to inspire and equip people to contribute to a sustainable and climate-neutral society, in which everyone can live well, without compromising the well-being of future generations and the ecological boundaries of the planet.

Our main focus lies in building competencies to tackle sustainability challenges. We are mainly targeting compulsory education (lower and secondary education), higher education and non-profit organisations that focus on environmental and sustainability education. We have offerings for the general public in Flanders through our own visitor centers and public campaigns.

Through our services towards Higher Education Institutions, we are committed to building a sustainable higher education system. In close collaboration with universities and colleges, we are reshaping higher education to ensure that students acquire the competencies necessary to address sustainability issues in society and to actively contribute to a sustainable future. We support lecturers, (educational) supporting staff, policy- and decision-makers, and students.

Together with the institutions we strengthen sustainability education in all types of higher education programs specifically through:

  • Capacity building and training on sustainability education in higher education (for example: the development of online learning modules for lecturers on sustainability education)
  • Guidance of innovative projects or initiatives for sustainability education (for example: guidance of group of curriculum developers in reforming an educational programme towards sustainability)
  • Building and supporting networks for learning, inspiration and collaboration (for example ‘the Commission of Higher Education’, which is a commission with representatives of all institutions that works on concrete policy initiatives related to sustainable higher education; other initiatives are ‘Future Proef Award’ (a contest that rewards final projects and theses in Higher Education on sustainability) and Future Forward Talks)


► Website of Duurzaam Educatiepunt