#15 02/2025 Bordeaux Montaigne University Frédéric Hoffmann (Vice President) Elisabeth Hofmann (Head of the UNESCO Chair for Training of SD professionals) Emma Gresset (Pedagogical Engineer)
#14 11/2024 Barbara Motschiunig EMAS Coordinator at University of Graz and role model for sustainability
#13 04/2024 Theodoros Xanthos Professor at School of Health Sciences and Vice-Rector of International Affairs and Extroversion at University of West Attica
#12 11/2023 Dominik Allenspach Sustainability Officer at Zurich University of Teacher Education
#11 03/2023 University of Padua Monica Fedeli (Vice Rector of the Third Mission and Regional Relations) Gioia Grigolin (Head of Communication and Marketing)
#10 09/2022 Hasselt University Tom Kuppens (Asst. Prof. Education for Sustainable Development) Bernard Vanheusden (Rector) Griet Verbeeck (Sustainability coordinator)
#9 07/2021 Lisa Bohunovsky Strategic ESD specialist at BOKU Vienna
#8 05/2021 Paquita Perez Salgado A passionate scientist and teacher dedicated to ensuring that ICT serves sustainable development
#7 07/2020 Jurgis Kazimieras Staniškis Transdisciplinary scientist globally recognized for his innovative and transformative systems
#6 05/2020 The organizers of the Virtual Higher Education Summit 2020: Ingrid Mulà, Michael Stauffacher, Theres Paulsen, Nelly Niwa, Mario Diethart, Camilla Steinböck & Anne Zimmermann
#5 03/2020 Anna Batorczak Enthusiastic educator for sustainable development and believer in the power of women to lead change
#4 01/2020 Peter Glavič Young-minded and lively emeritus who actively defends the values of sustainable development in sports and higher education
#3 10/2019 Jorge Ricardo Nova Blanco Catalyzer of transdisciplinary efforts at KU Leuven Anne-Mieke Vandamme Silo-culture-questioning virologist at KU Leuven
#2 04/2019 Rodrigo Lozano Specialist in organizational change for sustainability at the University of Gävle
#1 02/2019 Anne Snick Systems thinker and change enabler
COPERNICUS Alliance - European Network on Higher Education for Sustainable Development
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